* @template control%view
* @language handlebars
* @block view
* @param {string} controltemplate Name of control template
* @param {object} [attributes] Attributes to be passed on to specific control template
* @description
* Output a control named foo
* {{control "foo"}}
* Any valid changes to the control input’s value are propagated to the controlmodel.
* Any validation errors are automatically displayed.
* By default, the control uses the containing view's model for its value its schema from which is determines which settings apply, using the control’s name as the model/schema property.
* All settings can be overridden by passing the corresponding attribute explicitly in the control helper.
* Output a control in display mode
* {{control "foo" display=true}}
* {{control "foo" edit=false}}
* Pass a value explicitly
* {{control "foo" value=bar}}
* Make the control’s value required
* {{control "foo" required=true}}
* Denote that the control can accept multiline input
* {{control "foo" multiline=true}}
* Set the control’s phrasekey
* {{control "foo" phrasekey="fookey"}}
* Set the control’s label
* {{control "foo" label="Foo bar"}}
* {{control "foo" label="foo.label"}} <- passing a phrasekey
* Set the control’s note
* {{control "foo" note="Foo is often followed by bar"}}
* {{control "foo" note="foo.note"}} <- passing a phrasekey
* See {@link module:bauplan%control%view~initialize} for more details on the phrasekey and how labels and notes are looked up
* Setting the control-type explicitly
* {{control "foo" control-type="payment-date-expiry"}}
* {{control "foo" control-type="checkbox"}}
* {{control "foo" control-type="select" options=optionsfoo}}
* {{control "foo" control-type="password"}}
* Setting the primitive explicitly
* {{control "foo" control-primitive="number" }}
* Setting the format explicitly
* {{control "foo" control-format="email"}}
* Any other attributes are passed to the control’s input
* {{control "foo" attributes=attributes data-bar="baz"}}
* #### Pre-compilation
* The control helper is automatically converted into the correspnding view helper when the templates are loaded
* The view template calls the specific control template wrapped in the {@link template:control} template
* eg.
* {{control "foo"}} -> {{view "control" control-name="foo"}}
* #### Basic flow
* ~{@link template:control}
* if edit
* ~{@link template:control%edit}
* label
* ~{{controltemplate}}.edit
* note
* notifications (errors etc)
* else
* ~{@link template:control%display}
* heading
* ~{{controltemplate}}.display
* If there is no such template for {{controltemplate}}.{{mode}}, then the text template for the corresponding mode is used
* @see module:bauplan%control%view
* @see template:control
* @see template:control%edit
* @see template:control%display
* @see template:text%edit
* @see template:text%display
* @see template:textarea%edit
* @see template:checkbox%edit
* @see template:select%edit
* @see template:file%edit
* @see template:hidden%edit
* @see template:password%edit
* @see template:password-new%edit
* @see template:password%block
* @see template:date%edit
* @see template:payment-date-start%edit
* @see template:payment-date-expiry%edit
{{#template "control"}}
{{template controltemplate attributes=attributes}}