Using this format denotes a property as a start date and causes its control to allow the input of a month and year
Ensures start date is in the past
Output a start date control with the name "foo"
{{control "foo" control-type="payment-date-start"}}
or just
{{control "foo"}}
if the controltype property for the "foo" property in the model schema has been set to "payment-date-start"
Error codes
- provided by default.control~monthYearValidate
NB. shares methods with {@link control:payment-date-expiry} against which the methods are documented
- Source:
- See:
(static) display()
- Source:
(static) normalize()
- Source:
(static) prepare()
Passes options to payment-date-expiry~monthYearPrepare
- Source:
(static) validate()
- Source: