Source template/control/payment-date-start.edit.control.hbs

 * @template payment-date-start%edit
 * @language handlebars
 * @block control
 * @param {object} month Attributes to pass to el-select for month
 * @param {object} year Attributes to pass to el-select for year
 * @description Template used by payment start date control in edit mode
 *     {{{template "payment-date-start.edit" month=month year=year}}}
 * NB. It is usually preferable to use {@link template:control%view} rather than calling this directly
 * @see template:control%view
 * @see template:control
 * @see template:control%edit
 * @see template:select%edit
 * @see template:payment-date-expiry%edit
{{{el-select class="start-month" attributes=month}}}
{{{el-select class="start-year" attributes=year}}}