], function (_, Thorax, BauplanAuthentication) {
* @module bauplan%model
* @extends Thorax.Model
* @return {constructor} BauplanModel
* @description ## Generic model
* var BauplanModel = require("bauplan.model");
* or as part of the Bauplan bundle
* var Bauplan = require("bauplan");
* var BauplanModel = Bauplan.Model;
* Create and instantiate a new model class
* var FooModel = Bauplan.Model.extend({});
* var fooinstance = new FooModel();
* Create a model that requires authentication
* var AuthenticatedFooModel = Bauplan.Model.extend({
* _model: "authfoo",
* authenticated: true
* });
* Set a model’s endpoint URL
* var RestFooModel = Bauplan.Model.extend({
* _model: "restfoo",
* url: "/foo"
* });
* Pass properties to a model
* var PropsFooModel = Bauplan.Model.extend({
* _model: "propsfoo",
* properties: {
* foo: {
* type: "integer",
* exactLength: 3,
* required: true
* }
* }
* });
* @listens module:bauplan%authentication~change:loggedIn
* @method extend
* @return {constructor} Model
* @static
* @param {object} [options] Constructor options
* @param {string} [options._model] Model name
* @param {boolean} [options.authenticated=false] Whether this model requires authentication
* @param {string|function} [options.url] URL for model endpoint…
* @param {string} [options.urlRoot] … or URL stub for use with instance _id
* @param {object} [options.schema] JSON Schema for model to use…
* @param {object} [] … or lazily generate schema from properties
* @param {boolean} [options.nofetch] Never fetch values from the endpoint
* @param {string} [options.idAttribute=_id] Value to use for the model’s idAttribute. Based on assumption that most communication will be with a MongoDB-backed endpoint
var BauplanModel = Thorax.Model.extend({
idAttribute: "_id",
* @static
* @override
* @description Overrides Thorax.Model.prototype.fetch
* Prevented from being called if:
* - this.nofetch
* - authentication is required
fetch: function () {
if (!this.nofetch && (!this.Authentication || this.Authentication.loggedIn())) {
Thorax.Model.prototype.fetch.apply(this, arguments);
* @method initialize
* @override
* @description Passes values and options to the constructor when creating a new instance
* Creates attribute whitelist on first initialization and fetches unstance values if necesary
* @param {object} attrs
* @param {object} options
* @param {boolean} [options.fetch=false] Whether to fetch instance values from endpoint
initialize: function (attrs, options) {
options = options || {};
if (this.authenticated) {
var that = this;
this.Authentication = BauplanAuthentication;
this.Authentication.on("change:loggedIn", function() {
if (this.loggedIn()) {
// maybe not a good idea to reuse the fetch property (refetch? refetchAfterAuth? but why not?)
if (options.fetch) {
} else {
var proto = this.constructor.prototype;
if (!proto.schema && {
proto.schema = {
var schema = proto.schema;
if (schema && !proto.schemaProcessed) {
proto.schemaProcessed = true;
if (! { = proto._model;
var schemaname =;
schema.type = schema.type || "object";
schema.$schema = schema.$schema || "";
schema.additionalProperties = schema.additionalProperties || false;
for (var prop in {
var property =[prop];
if (! { = schemaname + "." + prop;
if (!property.type) {
property.type = "string";
if (schema.additionalProperties === false) {
var whitelist = {};
for (var wprop in {
whitelist[wprop] = true;
proto.propertyMap = whitelist;
if (options.fetch) {
} else if (attrs && attrs[this.idAttribute] && _.keys(attrs).length === 1) {
* @static
* @override
* @description Clears the attributes of an instance and any corresponding instance in the memoized register enabling atrributes to be loaded from the server again if necessary
* Overrides Thorax.Model.prototype.clear
* @param {object} args
clear: function() {
this.unmemoize("clear", arguments);
* @static
* @override
* @description Destroys an instance and any corresponding instance in the memoized register
* Overrides Thorax.Model.prototype.destroy
* @param {object} args
destroy: function() {
this.unmemoize("destroy", arguments);
* @static
* @description Generic helper function for syncing instances and the memoization register
* @param {string} method
* @param {object} args
unmemoize: function(method, args) {
var zapMemo = function (memoname, id, count) {
count = count || 1;
if (BauplanModel.memo[memoname] && BauplanModel.memo[memoname][id]) {
delete BauplanModel.memo[memoname][id];
setTimeout(function() {
zapMemo(memoname, id, count + 1);
}, 100 * count);
var id = this.get(this.idAttribute);
var memoname = this.constructor.prototype._model;
Thorax.Model.prototype[method].apply(this, args);
if (BauplanModel.memo[memoname] && BauplanModel.memo[memoname][id]) {
BauplanModel.memo[memoname][id].attributes = {};
// fine, but what happens if not undirtied before next actual retrieval?
/*if (!BauplanModel.dirty[memoname]) {
BauplanModel.dirty[memoname] = {};
BauplanModel.dirty[memoname][id] = true;*/
zapMemo(memoname, id);
* @static
* @description Returns instance’s attributes based on whitelist provided by model’s schema properties
* @return {object} Whitelisted attributes
getAttributes: function (dump) {
var attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes);
if (this.propertyMap) {
for (var prop in attrs) {
if (!this.propertyMap[prop]) {
delete attrs[prop];
return attrs;
BauplanModel.memo = {};
BauplanModel.dirty = {};
* @instance
* @param {function} Model
* @description Returns a memoized version of Bauplan.Model
* @return {function} MemoizedModel
BauplanModel.memoize = function (Model) {
var modelname = Model.prototype._model;
BauplanModel.memo[modelname] = {};
var memo = BauplanModel.memo[modelname];
var memoizedModel = function (attrs, options) {
var idAttribute = Model.prototype.idAttribute;
var object;
options = options || {};
if (!attrs) {
object = new Model();
// is this necessary?
object.on("sync", function(){
memo[this.get(idAttribute)] = this;
return object;
var matchOn = options.matchOn || idAttribute;
if (typeof attrs === "string" || typeof attrs === "number") {
var stashOptions = attrs;
attrs = {};
attrs[matchOn] = stashOptions;
if (matchOn === idAttribute) {
object = memo[attrs[idAttribute]];
if (object) {
} else if (attrs[matchOn]) {
for (var cached in memo) {
var objectCheck = memo[cached];
//console.log("matching", matchOn, attrs[matchOn], objectCheck.attributes[matchOn]);
if (attrs[matchOn] === objectCheck.attributes[matchOn]) {
object = objectCheck;
/*if (BauplanModel.dirty[modelname] && BauplanModel.dirty[modelname][object.get(idAttribute)]) {
delete memo[object.get(idAttribute)];
object = undefined;
if (!object) {
// if we searched by another key, don't make a new object. Or rather, not until we can get objects by other keys
if (matchOn === idAttribute) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty("parse")) {
options.parse = true;
object = new Model(attrs, options);
if (attrs[idAttribute]) {
memo[attrs[idAttribute]] = object;
object.on("sync", function(){
memo[this.get(idAttribute)] = this;
return object;
if (Model.prototype.authenticated) {
memoizedModel.authenticated = true;
return memoizedModel;
return BauplanModel;