Source template/control/control.display.template.hbs

 * @template control%display
 * @language handlebars
 * @block template
 * @param {string} label Label text to display
 * @param {string} [yield] Non-escaped yielded content
 * @param {string} [value] Non-escaped value to display for control if nothing yielded
 * @description Outputs control wrapper and either outputs explicit value or yields to specificied control template
 *     {{#template "control.display" label="Foo label"}}
 *         ...
 *     {{/template}}
 * NB. It is usually preferable to use {@link template:control%view} rather than calling this directly
 * @see template:control%view
 * @see template:control
 * @see template:control%edit
<div class="display">{{#if yield "==" false}}{{{value}}}{{else}}{{{yield}}}{{/if}}</div>